Wednesday, June 9, 2010

RIO BABY!!! By:Megan Gilbraith #1 :D

We left Sau Paulo early this morning after a tearful goodbye to Ligia’s wonderful parents, Orlando and Teresa. Breezing through a 45 second security checkpoint, we headed north to Rio de Janeiro on a very short plane-ride with a very short landing strip. (Some of us thought that we might not make the landing and end up in the ocean!) After getting off the plane we quickly realized that Rio and Sau Paulo are very different. Sau Paulo is very New York City-like and Rio is more scenic with beaches, greenery, and speedos.
The first thing we did as we arrived in Rio was drive straight to Sugar Loaf, a famous Brazilian scenic tour that takes place on three different mountains. Tourists and residents take gondolas from mountain to mountain to give people a fabulous view of Rio! We got a great view of the mountains, beaches, ocean, and could even see the Christ statue. Sugar Loaf was a great start to our time in Rio de Janeiro!
After Sugar Loaf we drove past the beaches that seem to go on for miles. Great news: our hotel is only a couple blocks from a beach! So after some twisting of the arms, we put on our swimsuits and headed to the beach. They are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! The sand is so soft and the water is really nice. All kinds of activities took place on the beach as we arrived. Futbol (soccer), volleyball, sand tennis, futvolley, running, walking, swimming, body surfing, boogie-boarding, and people watching were some of the activities that the girls participated in today.
One of the highlights today was meeting our newest teammate, Paula! She lives about an hour and a half from Rio and made quite the effort to come meet us (she took a bus and a taxi to get to our hotel). It was so exciting to finally meet the new Brazilian on the team and all of us are ready for her to come to Aberdeen!
Day 1 of Rio is over, but many if not all of us are excited to get a day of beach in tomorrow...Go Wolves!

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