Friday, June 4, 2010

Finally... SHOPPING! by Amber Bloom #17

We finally got the chance to sleep in today! Because of the Catholic holiday the team we were scheduled to play was unable to make it. So after breakfast some of the girls make the trek up the hill to Starbucks for some much needed caffeine, although Jackie sprinted up the hill and make some question if it was worth the trip. We all piled into our bus and drove down to the center of the city to the market after another sprint down the hill. When we finally arrived the market we walked down the main isle and tested tons of fresh fruits and talked to the vendors. They were all very excited to meet us and some even wanted their pictures taken with us! One of the vendors was a little TOO friendly and another one gave Kaili his email address. But, the market was very cool and we all were excited to buy chocolate covered strawberries and bananas, dried fruits, and to taste some new things too. After the market, we waited for our bus outside for a very long time… and of course as soon as a couple girls went to the bathroom the bus decided to show up. Since the bus can’t really stop in the middle of downtown Sao Paulo that long, the girls got another sprint in trying to catch the bus (Luckily, they made it on time). Next, we got the chance to hit up the mall and do some shopping. This mall was much bigger and much nicer than the mall we went to the other day and we spent a pretty long time looking through all the shops. It was still a big challenge trying to communicate with some of the sales people, but it was still a successful trip, not to mention that they had gelato… yum!! Around 4:30 we jumped back onto the bus and headed back towards the hotel. Some of us decided to do some more shopping around the hotel before dinner and others went up to the room to relax. I obviously chose to go shopping and had a lot of fun looking for dresses and shoes to wear out to the club that we are going to go to tonight. And that pretty much sums up today! Hope everyone back home is enjoying the summer, miss all of you!

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